January 28, 2019

Dear Ministry Partner,

Would you please pray for us?

On March 11th we will again be leaving the USA to officially start our crusade season for this year.  As you know, last year we ran into some challenges near the Middle East that resulted in us postponing our last crusade of the year due to radical extremism in the city we were going to. Never before has this type of situation caused my team to have to postpone a crusade. I don’t believe it will happen like this again in the future, but I wanted to reach out to you and ask if you would partner with us in prayer and fasting for our crusades this year?

My desire is to have an army of intercessors and prayer warriors who will contend for souls to be saved in our crusades and who will contend for nothing to hinder the gospel from going forward as we believe for at least 1 million souls to be saved near the Middle East in 2019!

Last year, we conducted three major gospel crusades near the Middle East and we saw 400,950 souls saved.  This year, our goal is to host at least 5-7 crusades near the Middle East and to raise at least $1 million to see 1 million souls saved in our crusades. I know the enemy wants nothing more than to stop these crusades from happening and many people have told me that I’m becoming a great target for the devil’s destruction. which I don’t receive. I love what Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke always said, “I might be the devils #1 target for destruction, but I am God’s #1 target for protection!”.

Would you please pray for us on a daily or weekly basis to be protected, for souls to be saved by the masses this year and for the darkest nations of the earth to be washed in the precious blood of Jesus Christ? We would be so honored to know that you’re praying and partnering with us in the harvest.

Below are some key prayer points to cover us in prayer.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for at least 1 million souls to be saved in 2019
  • Pray for our (Amanda and me) protection and the protection of our team
  • Pray for all the pastors working with us to be protected and united
  • Pray for God to anoint my words to pierce the darkness with the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Pray for amazing miracles to confirm the message of the gospel
  • Pray for good weather and no rain
  • Pray for our follow-up system and for every new believer to become a great disciple of Christ
  • Pray for peace in Pak! st an
  • Pray for all the finances to come in (our goal is at least $1 million for 1 million souls)
  • Pray for people to partner with us on a monthly basis so we can budget accordingly
  • Pray for favor with all authorities and government officials
  • Pray for good health and strength over us and our team
  • Pray for good travel as it typically takes over 30 hours to get there
  • Pray for no issues with visas or travel documents for us and our team


God bless you,
Chris and Amanda Mikkelson


P.S. If you haven’t already done so, please join us for our upcoming breakfast in Houston, TX by registering HERE.






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